New Character Reveal & Opening VA Auditions

UPDATE: Auditions are now over. We have found our voice actor for Hayley. Thank you to everyone who applied! 

Hi y'all! It's Bowser. Short Devlog today.

It's time to reveal the first mom sprite for ChoPro! Meet Hayley Gordon, everyone.

Hayley is Vin's fiancee, mother to baby Rhea, and Darrell's soon-to-be sister-in-law. We'll be meeting her in Build 5 and she'll be a recurring character in Darrell's route. She'll show up in other routes as well.

Some more facts about her!

  • She's 30 years old.
  • She's a guitarist.
  • She loves punk and alternative rock, taking a special interest in math rock.
  • She played lead guitar in her former band, Snobbit.
  • Vin met her at a Snobbit concert. He was smitten by her skill and style, and decided she had to be his. They've been together for 7 years.
  • Vin and Hayley have been engaged for over a year. They're waiting for the right time.
  • She's currently a full-time mom, but is looking for a part-time job.

With the introduction out of the way, it's time to let you know that she needs a voice actor! I'm looking for any person who can perform a femme voice with an American accent. The gender identity of the auditioner does not matter.

The devlog should be age gated, but for sake of making myself crystal clear, YOU MUST BE 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER TO AUDITION.

All the audition information is in the attached PDF. Click the "Download Now" button below. Click on "No thanks", and download the Hayley Audition Prompt if you're interested in auditioning for her role!

If you have any questions about auditioning, please send me an email at

Please submit your audition by Sunday, June 23, 2024. Submissions made any later than that date will not be acceptable. The earlier, the better. If I find a candidate that I like, I'll end auditions early.

That's all I got for you. If you're auditioning, best of luck! I'll talk to y'all soon :3.


Hayley Voice Acting Audition Prompt 244 kB
May 18, 2024

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