Character Design Reflection: Pat Shamus

Hi again, friends! It's BowserPuma.

Today's a good day to talk about Pat. So, I'll give you my character design reflection for him!

One quick note, I'll be discussing some spoiler information here. If you haven't read Build 3, I'd recommend you stop reading here and come back once you're all caught up!





Before I had a rigid idea of what kind of character Pat was going to be, I thought of him more as a concept character. My initial idea was to make him a bit of a "lynchpin" type character to hold the story together and make the whole narrative fall more neatly into place.

Initially, he was just going to be another employee at Chronicles and take on a side character role. I thought of making this character a cute straight boy and tease the player a bit with his existence. The other idea was to make him a woman and fuse together the roles of Pat and April.

However, that idea changed dramatically after my friend Karcy passed away. I had never lost a close friend like that. It shattered my heart and I'm still picking up the pieces over two years later.

I tend channel raw emotions in my writing, grief included. The days following his passing were horrible and very emotional. All I desperately wanted was to find any way to celebrate and honor his life. So, I decided to channel that grief into bringing a new character to life for ChoPro.

One thing I've stated many times (and I'll reiterate for the sake of making myself crystal clear) Pat Shamus is not an attempt to recreate my late friend. The overall concept was to design someone I knew would be Karcy's favorite.

Funnily enough, if I had tried to make Pat Shamus a recreation of my late friend, he'd be very different. He'd be a "tsundere" type character with a secret goofy side. If Darrell had a hard exterior, that would approximate his personality.

Jaeger, the Ranger

My working idea for Pat's character was to design a border collie who Karcy and I would have created together, had he been around. With that motivation in mind, a lot of pieces fell into place very easily. I made him a black and white border collie to honor Karcy's latest fursona, Jaeger. I made him a bass player since that was Karcy's favorite instrument. Rinzy (who's also Pat's VA) helped a lot with crafting his visual design.

Pat concept, by Rinzy

I added my personal touches to the character as well. The crass, flirty, pest type character is a common trope in furry VN's, and I thought it would mesh well with the other characters I had already designed. It's a fun personality archetype to write. It leaves some great opportunities for funny character interactions and to build some tension and conflict in the story.

One of the tough decisions I had to make was whether or not to make Pat romanceable. Since he's a memorial character, I wrestled with the ethics of that decision. But as time went on, many signs pointed me towards the conclusion that I do want him to be romanceable. I have a great story in mind for his romance route, and I want to tell it.

Over the past couple years, I've learned to be able to separate the character from the person who inspired him. Ultimately, Pat Shamus is my creation, and I find myself more comfortable treating him as such.

One last thing I want to share about Pat was the inspiration for his drag persona, Becky. It's a funny story. I had some writer's block on what Pat's "thing" was going to be after I spent a lot of time building it up in the story. My original idea was to have his "thing" be his participation in a secret Ultimate Frisbee league. The reason it was a secret was because he's bashful about being a dog playing with  frisbees (awful stereotype u.u).

That idea didn't work well, so I went back to the drawing board and thought about it real hard. Then, I had an epiphany. I recalled a joke character me and my late friend had invented. She was a crossdressing Labrador named "Becky". She was a character I would become anytime I got "white girl" wasted and started acting like a fool to make him laugh and smile. It was perfect. Several thousand words practically wrote themselves after I made that epiphany.

Pat's become my favorite character to write for, lately. The most beautiful thing is that, whenever I'm stuck with his development, all I have to do is think about the good times with Karcy and let the light he left behind guide me.

I believe I have a guardian angel and he is a border collie. May his guiding light always bring me joy and protection.

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Hey there, BowserPuma,

Reading about your journey with Pat Shamus was touching. The way you've poured emotions, memories, and love into his character is something special. It's clear that Pat holds a significant place in your heart, not just as a character, but as a tribute to your late friend, Karcy.

The evolution of Pat from a concept to a heartfelt homage is truly something. Your decision-making process and consideration for his portrayal show how deeply you've connected with this character. And Becky being inspired by shared moments with your friend? That's the kind of authenticity that makes characters feel real.

Your way of finding solace and guidance through memories of Karcy, envisioning a guardian angel as a border collie, is incredibly touching. It's amazing how Pat's creation has become a vessel for celebrating your friend's life and the joy you shared.

Your dedication and strength in navigating this creative journey, especially through the complexities of grief, are truly commendable. Keep writing from the heart!

Warm regards,



Thanks for the kind words. There's been a few times I've questioned whether it was a good idea to invest so much of my grief and love into Pat's design. There's been a couple of times when that vulnerability was leveraged against me, and it hurt more I could have imagined. But I'm glad I did it, and I'm glad you (and others) have enjoyed the authenticity. It means a lot 💖



Pat ♥ my beloved ♥♥♥ one of my favorite characters in the story! also I have a couple questions about him if you don't mind! :)
1. Is Pat short for Patrick? I assume this will come up in his route and there's probably a reason he prefers to go by Pat lol
2. What's the proper way to spell his last name? I've seen you write it both Shamus and Sheamus (with an E)
3. You said in another post that Pat's route will revolve around an open relationship. will there be an option to be monogamous with him? Or will the polyamory aspect be ingrained into his route?


1. Pat's short for Patrick.

2. Shamus (no E) is the proper way to spell it (I've spelled it incorrectly in the past, my b).

3. Polyamory may be explored, not sure though.